About Simon Stevin

Study Association Mechanical Engineering Simon Stevin

Study Association Mechanical Engineering (Werktuigkundige Studievereniging) Simon Stevin is the study association for the educational programme mechanical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology.

Simon Stevin Brugghelinck

Our association is named after Simon Stevin Brugghelinck, the first ‘Mechanical engineer’. He lived from 1548 till 1620. Stevin was broad oriented, for example he proved that force is a vector with his clootkrans-proof. Just like Simon Stevin we think broadly in order to help our members as good as possible.

Our association has approximately 1600 members. Around 150 of them are active in 25 committees. There are many committees, from the beer tapping committee to the symposium committee. This diversity makes Simon Stevin one of the most active associations of Eindhoven.

The committees and the Board organise activities every week, based on the following three pillars: education, development and relaxation. We try to find a good balance within these three pillars. There is something for everyone!




Education is one of the main focus points of our association. We work together with the faculty of Mechanical Engineering in order to develop the quality and content of the educational programme. To do this, the association is represented in all kind of different layers within the faculty.

Next to this we are always available for our students when they are having difficulties regarding the study. Also for questions students can come to us. If necessary we will discuss these problems with the faculty.

To teach our students some practical skills next to the regular educational programme we organise all kind of courses. Examples of these courses are welding, turning, milling and so on.


To give our students a broader view on the working field belonging to our curriculum numerous excursions and lectures are organised every year. We try to show our students a wide spectrum of different excursions and lectures.

It is during these activities that companies show themselves to the students. By attending these activities gain insight in how different companies convert theoretical knowledge into practice. Also it is a nice opportunity to see what different career opportunities are available.

Simon Stevin organises a symposium and an European trip every year. The theme of the symposium is a different interesting topic in the field of mechanical engineering each year. The European trip is a small study trip within Europe of around a week. Also this trip has a different theme each year. The ‘big’ study trip, the Study Tour, is organized once every two years. The Study Tour takes three weeks and brings students all over the world.

Participating in all these activities is fun, but organising it yourself is fun as well. Within committees our members can train their organising, practical and creative skills.



Department Pub 'De Weeghconst'

Since early 1997, the department of Mechanical Engineering owns its own pub: 'De Weeghconst'. This cafe, is the place to relax after a week of hard work. Therefore, each Thursday there is a social drink from 4:30 to 7 PM. Feel free to play a game of cards or 'shut-the-box' with other mechanical engineers while enjoying a beer or whiskey with your fellow students.